Sunday, March 24, 2024

Bintulu's beauty

 The Bintulu sunset awashes its brilliance,

Upon the sea, waves and beach,

The solitary rock has seen,

The peace and beauty,

Of this strip of land, 

Where cicadas sing and casuarinas whisper,

The music of love and song of hearts,

And footprints in the sand, 

On this beach we call love.


23 March,2013.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


kesentosaan itu menetap di dada
alam sepi mententeramkan jiwa
yang ingin perdamaian
murninya kesentosaan bukan kepalang
tuah bertaburan dari jiwa
yang ingin ketenangan.

MOOD, 24.4.75

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

November rain

November rain

In pouring rain
come November
we were playful kids
drenched in muddy fields
little friendly faces
kept us in cheerful company
in season of togetherness

We have grown to smile at life's pose
the graciousness of true love
in pouring late November rains 
we abide passionately
its season of endless memories

23 Nov'15.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Gadis Bertelekung

Gadis Bertelekung

Aku terpikat
pada wajah seorang gadis
Mengajak daku
memanjat doa
di ruang restu Illahi
Ia bicara suara jiwa lesu
pada perjalanan resah beribu
episod sunyi sepi hidup ini
Telah kau janji temukan
di senja Bintulu
berkampung rindu
bayu membelai manisnya
sebuah lukisan kesayangan
kan kuabadikan ke akhir hayat
Maka aku nyanyikan lagu hujan
membasahi hati yang tandus cinta
semarak riang keanak-anakan
dan tawa buat seketika
kini kumengerti bibit-bibit
dua insan yang Engkau ilhamkan
asyik menanam budi di laman hati
Ya Allah, jadikanlah satu mimpi
Ia ratu di akhirat nanti.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

My White Queen

My White Queen

You hopped into my life
Un-alerted to move my being
You showered me a love so pure
That I could only imagine.
My great queen you are born to fly
And spread more magical wonders
Like such a passing time in my life
I thank God I'm alive.
I shall now let you go
For you deserve the sunshine more.

14 Jan'12.

( This poem inspired by a white praying mantis I saw at the farm today)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Adventure in Life
I've often wondered
what wonder is
of falling faith
in a disheartened soul
I've not been a Shakespearean man
to be or not to be
choice may be one too many
spoilt kids of yester years
time is running short in mortal me
and life continues to dare
my eagerness to know
have hastened to soar
this quest of maturing life
We're born to love
hope our burning desire
changing motivations through time
with unfaltering mind
must we move our being
in concert with nature
dancing its spirit
in awakening intelligence
to embrace dear life
that the veil of existence
tricks one to disbelieve
I'm much at peace
with a new-found me
much distanced before by design
but left alone
the nativity of living happiness
is a leap of faith I clung to
the everest of life
I treasure this mountain of faith
sipping its fountain of glorious giving
thirsed by a life-long adventure
the search of majesty
and truth it rewards
the skies sometimes smiled on me
after my lapses and setbacks
once clouded by weak faith
and fallen petals of disharmony
I pick to gather
the richness of humanity
and prolific prosperity
to share as a child of the universe
28 April, 2010.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The point of it all

The craftiest of old hands
And latest survey know-how
Will meet to life's reliability
On a busy construction site
When two strings cross
A perfect needle point
You get practical with life's problems
Through the ages of use
A philosophy of life
That answers the science of knowledge
With the simple wisdom
Of a carpenter's loving hands
Stick to the knitting
The tapestry of life
A vision statement
You would love to sing
And be practical with dreams
Like stretched yet flexible carpenter strings.
